Fecha Actual:marzo 17, 2025

European PMI, project growth

The week with the evolution of the production of the last month in the two main economies of the European Union. The PMI for France and Germany will be published tomorrow, the data will be available from 03:30 am Argentina time, in European time, it will be between 08 and 09 GMT + 2.

The European economies are in a process of gradual de-confinement, at the same time that inoculation advances to the entire population. As in the monthly publications, these are the preliminary data that usually in the final accounting, do not present great changes.

In the eurozone, in both cases, the services PMI is expected to advance, reaching 53.0 and 52.0 in France and Germany respectively.

The services sector has been the most affected in recent months, while the gradual advance and improvement in economic circumstances have allowed the manufacturing sector to present better conditions.

The PMI for services in France is 50.3 and that of Germany is 49.9; As for the manufacturing sector, the French PMI is 58.9, while the German one is 66.2. The manufacturing PMI is expected to decline slightly towards 58.5 and 65.9 respectively.

In this sense, the PMI of services for the Euro Zone, advance to 52.3 against the current 50.5. Given the slight falls in the manufacturing sector, the corresponding PMI is likely to fall from 62.9 to 62.5.

For the United Kingdom, the outlook is similar, stability is expected for both the services and manufacturing PMIs, around 60.1 and 60.7 respectively.

However, given results that are below estimates, it is likely that the crossovers will present a greater negative impact. In the coming months, given the decrease in restrictions and the advance of vaccination at a faster rate, the service and manufacturing sectors will re-establish themselves at pre-epidemic levels.

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