Fecha Actual:September 16, 2024

Price action updates June 26th

EURUSD remains above 1.07 with a buying preference. If market  opens tomorrow with sellers pressure we prefer purchases from 1.0690 and 1.0680. If buyers are in control of the euro tomorrow the estimated targets are between 1.0720 and 1.0730. Above 1.0730 ideally confirmed we go for TP 1.0750.

GBPUSD remains above 1.2680. The preference is buying considering that if it confirms above 1.27 we enter the range of 1.2750. If a sale opens, we prefer purchases from lower around 1.2660.

USDCAD remains in consolidation between 1.3650 and 1.3660. Today we see a deep institutional buyer at 1.2620 which could be a reason for more buyers tomorrow. Once again we prefer shorting as long as we are below 1,37.  Below 1.3650 it will fall to 1.3630.

AUDUSD remains below 0.6650 with a selling preference until 0.6640 and 0.6630 with possible extensions.

XAUUSD remains with buy pressure above 2300 and held.


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